Study in Europe FAQ

Read Vazir Group's study in Europe FAQ for visas, work permits, eligibility and requirements.

Why work with a study visa consultant?

Why work with a study visa consultant?

Date Added: 15/10/2021

Learn more about why work with a study visa consultant.

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How long it takes to process student visa?

How long it takes to process student visa?

Date Added: 15/10/2021

The student visa process can take 15 to 60 calendar days, this depends on the student’s case.

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Is it necessary to learn local language of European country in order to study there?

Is it necessary to learn local language of European country in order to study there?

Date Added: 15/10/2021

Learn more about whether is it necessary to learn the local language of the European country in order to study there. For more information contact Vazir Group.

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Can an international student work in Europe?

Can an international student work in Europe?

Date Added: 15/10/2021

Many countries allow international students to take up part-time jobs (the amount of working hours per week is limited).

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Are there any scholarships in Europe for Indian students?

Are there any scholarships in Europe for Indian students?

Date Added: 15/10/2021

Learn more about scholarships in Europe for Indian students.

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What are the admission requirements for Europe studies?

What are the admission requirements for Europe studies?

Date Added: 15/10/2021

For Bachelor’s degree the student must complete an international foundation year in the university in Europe and must have an IELTS score of 6.0 or 50-60 in TOEFL.

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Why should  choose Europe for study abroad?

Why should choose Europe for study abroad?

Date Added: 15/10/2021

Learn more about why should choose Europe for study abroad.

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