Is It Still A Good Idea To Move To Canada In 2021?

2020 has been a depressing year, with several incidents taking place all over the globe. After a sad Covid-19 scenario and the economic conditions it left to the developing countries, why won't one shift to a state with a strong economy in 2021? Some became jobless, and others working in countries with no PR availability were forced out to their homelands.

Also, people faced several problems living in other countries such as joblessness and inadequate facilities by the governments. All these things make it reasonable for one to leave one country and enter another one with a rich culture and facilities that will ease his/her life.

There are many financially strong countries such as the USA, Russia, or China, to name a few, but will they let you in? Many factors should be taken into consideration. Unlike other countries, Canada is one of the most desirable places to live in. Do you know why?

Even in the worse conditions like that of Covid-19, the Canadian government dealt with the situation amazingly and provided generous allowances to their residents.

Time to move on

Canada, with its rich and friendly culture, is a perfect place to immigrate to. No other country comes to mind when you think about a place where you have ample job opportunities, a secure future, education, medical facility, and a lot more.

Benefits of Canadian Citizenship

Though getting Canadian Nationality can be a challenging task, who doesn't know the benefits of its citizenship? Everyone is aware of such benefits of getting Canadian citizenship as:

  • More job opportunities.
  • Dual Nationality.
  • 8 universities are in the Top 200 Universities in the World.
  • Secure Life.
  • Freedom of speech.
  • A Canadian born child gets Canadian citizenship.
  • Relaxation on taxes for Canadian nationality holder residing outside Canada

It's a safe investment into your future

You probably considered investing in some business for a safe future. Investing in a company is rewarding, but can be risky. Have you noticed that the profit you will generate most probably won't even match the salary of labor in major developed countries like Canada? Isn't immigration a better option?

People invest in their life insurances, so what if all of your things get insured with single citizenship? Won't it be a wise decision to make? This insurance even covers the children who are not yet born. Your upcoming generation won't face the problems which you have been facing.

Will Covid-19 be a problem?

Are you worried about Covid-19 or how it will affect your application processing? Don't worry, we have some good news for you.

With such companies like Pfizer that have succeeded in developing vaccines of more than 90% efficiency the situation with Covid-19 most likely will improve. Developing countries have already ordered the vaccines while low-cost vaccines are also being investigated. So, Covid-19 won't be a problem in 2021.

Keeping in mind the problems created by the pandemic, Canada has taken steps accordingly to facilitate its citizens. Their priority is for the families who want to be together via spousal applications.

Canada is going to process around six thousand spousal applications per month from October 2020 to December 2020. The staff that reviews the applications has also been increased by 66%, which will speed up the process of families and those who want to be sponsored by their relatives in Canada.

It is reported that the Immigration and Refugee Council of Canada (IRCC) aims at accepting over 1.2 million people in Canada in the next three years. Four hundred thousand immigrants will get permanent residence in Canada per year up to 2023. Now is the ideal time for you to avail that opportunity and kickstart the disturbed life in a happy country [1].

How can you immigrate to Canada?

There are several ways by which you can immigrate to Canada, as mentioned on the official government's website. So make up your mind before applying under which category you fall or by adopting which class you will be migrating [2].

·Express Entry

If you want to immigrate to Canada as skilled labor, this one is for you. You will need to fulfill the express entry requirements and submit your profile on the official government website. After you receive an invitation, you can proceed with the immigration process.

·Family sponsorship

Relatives are sponsored under this category. If you have a relative who is older than 18, he/she can support you.

·Provincial nominees

If nominated by a Canadian province, you immigrate using this process. This category has 2 subcategories: Paper-based entry, and express entry. You will need to contact a province or a state and follow the rules as they vary for each province.

·Quebec-selected skilled workers

This category is explicitly allotted for Quebec province. If you are a labor skilled worker, you can consider this category of application.

·Atlantic Immigration Pilot

This immigration program is for the school graduates or workers in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, or Newfoundland and Labrador.


If you want to immigrate as a caregiver, i.e. provide care for children, the elderly, or work as live-in caregivers, you fall under this category.

·Start-up Visa

If you plan to start a business in Canada which will provide jobs for others you can immigrate using this visa.


If you believe that you will be self-employed, in cultural or athletic activities, and need no external employment opportunity, you fall under this category.

·Agri-Food Pilot

If you want to work specifically in the agriculture and food industry, use this immigration program. Agri-Food Pilot addresses the labor need for the industry, and the intake is carried out accordingly.

So, as you see, no matter what angle you see check the possibility of moving to Canada, it is the perfect destination not only in 2020 but also in 2021.


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