Immigration Plan

The recent release of the Canadian Immigration Levels Plan 2023-2025 has brought a visionary approach to attract immigrants across the globe which will strengthen the economy of the country while providing best possible living facilities to the immigrants . The plan was introduced by the Immigration Minister Sean Fraser on November 01, 2022 with the aim to welcome 1.45 million new permanent immigrants with the intention to provide better life and opportunity.

Also, IRCC has planned to ensure the consecutive growth in these three years. 2023 is set to welcome 465, 000 new permanent residents, 485, 000 in 2024, and 500, 000 in 2025. This plan has been considered a pivotal proposal to combat the demographic challenges of Canada which can promote skilled workers in Canada.

Canada is trying to cope up with demographic challenges for a long time. Apart from this, the country is also facing an aging population which further creates workforce challenges and that becomes a hindrance in the growth of the GDP of the country. Immigration plans can be a great way to bring younger talents to the world.

Introduction to Canada’s immigrant’s breakdown

In a recent conversation with the Canadian Press Sean Fraser said that “Make no mistake. This is a massive increase in economic migration to Canada. We have not seen such a focus on economic migration as we've seen in this immigration levels plan.”

Below is the breakdown of Economic Targets:

Immigration Category 2023 2024 2025
Target Target Target
Economics Overall Planned Permanent Resident Admissions 465,000 485,000 500,000
Federal High Skilled 82,880 109,020 114,000
Federal Economic Public Policies 25,000
Federal Business 3,500
Economic Pilots:
Agri-Food Pilot; Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot; Economic Mobility Pathways Project
8,500 12,125 14,750
Atlantic Immigration Program 8,500 11,500 14,500
Provincial Nominee Program 105,500 110,000 117,500
Quebec Skilled Workers and Business To be continued To be continued
Total Economic 266,210 281,135 301,250

Why is Canada for migrants the best option?
A Beautiful Place to Live

Canada is known for its scenic natural beauty that is not only an attraction for travelers but also for immigrants. The mysterious mountains of British Columbia and the soothing coasts of Prince Edward Island leave one amazed with the surroundings.

Promotes Multiculturalism

The emphasis on multiculturalism has always been one of the prior concerns of Canada. Thus, in 1971, under the governance of prime minister Pierre Trudeau, multiculturalism became the government policy to spread in every province of Canada. As a result, it also encouraged immigrants to head to the country and become the crucial part in order to strengthen the country.

Inclusive Society

When it comes to inclusivity, Canada has proved it is ahead of many other countries in the world. The country had legalized the same-sex marriage in 2005 which makes it the 4th nation of the world for this revolutionary gesture. This promotes progressive gestures to support LGBTQ community.

One of the strongest economies of the world

Canada is one of the strongest economies in the world ranking 8th largest GDP by nominal and 15th GDP by PPP. Canada is continuously becoming heftier in its economy. With a great economy, Canada is able to create more job opportunities which makes it a center of attraction for immigrants.

High Quality Education

Canada is home to some of the best universities in the world, including McGill University, McMaster University, the University of Toronto, and the University of British Columbia. They are ranked among the top 100 higher education institutions in the world. According to Statistics Canada, 54% of Canadians between the ages of 25 and 64 hold a post-secondary degree. Canada is a popular location for students seeking an international education. Many married families want to move to Canada such that their children can receive the top education opportunities.

Long term Benefits of migrating to Canada
Quality life

With high living standards, the government of Canada has been working to educate the citizens of the country to keep improving the quality of their life. With flexible working hours, companies provide downtime to relax with family and friends.

Best Job opportunities

With an abundance of job offers in sectors such as IT, Management, Hospitality, Banking, Pharmacies & Drugs, Janitorial services; Canada offers best job opportunities to skilled workers.

What is a Work Permit?

When someone wants to work outside the nation, they require a work permit to enter any foreign country and provide the service to the associated firm or party, this is referred to as the Work Permit. For example: if anyone wants to do a job in Canada,first he needs to apply for a Canadian work permit. One can take the help of the immigrant experts who can take over the complete process and provide you the end result.

ypes of work permit?
  • Temporary Foreign Worker Program: A Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is required for a foreign national to get a work permit. Further, one needs to go through the LMIA process in Canada which can be found at the official site of IRCC.
  • International Mobility Program: The IMP allows and assists Canadian firms to hire foreign workers without requiring them to apply or complete the Labour Market Impact Assessment process

Who can apply for a work permit?
  • Temporary workers
  • Business people
  • Students

How to find a Job from India or in Canada?
  • Explore online
    This can be one of the initial steps in the pursuit of job search. Browsing the best job opportunities in Canada can bring you enormous information about the same. But, it is important that you go to credible sites. You can also check IRCC which is the official immigration site of Canada that provides all the necessary information and updates about foreign jobs in Canada. The recent immigration plan revealed the huge demand for skilled workers in Canada for various job sectors. This will be the right time to explore jobs in Canada.
  • Connect with other professionals
    Try to find professionals that are already working in Canada. They can be your friends, relatives or office colleagues. This will give you a realistic idea about how working in Canada is actually perceived by the first-hand experience holders.
  • Emphasis on languages
    The official languages of Canada are English and French, and employers in certain provinces or territories may demand fluency in one or both of these languages. To make sure you satisfy their linguistic criteria, it is necessary to be aware of the provincial standards of the position for which you are applying. If you are unsure whether you satisfy the requirements of your possible company, you might think about taking a fluency test. Enrolling in physical or online language programmes will help you develop your linguistic abilities and may boost your self-assurance when you go on job interviews.
  • Hire an immigration consultancy
    The easiest and fastest way to get a job in Canada is to hire an immigration consultancy that will take over the entire process on your behalf and bring out the end result as soon as you need. Finding an immigration consultancy can be a bit of a cumbersome experience for any individual who wants fastrack results. Thus, you can consult Vazir Group which is known as the best immigration consultancy among the jobseekers.

How to apply for PR after work permit

You may be qualified to apply for permanent residency through the Federal Skilled Worker Program if you are employed temporarily by a Canadian firm and the employer has offered you an offer of permanent employment. Arranged employment is the term used to describe such an offer. The temporary employee must obtain the required number of points under the Foreign Skilled Worker Program. Points are given depending on the candidate's educational background, age, adaptability, language proficiency, and the job offer. Up to 12 to 18 months may pass during this process.

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