PNP: What Is It And How Can You Benefit From It?

Nowadays more and more people are looking for better opportunities in life even if it means for them to relocate to a new place and start over from scratch. Some migrate alone, some with families. Some take the risk and just go hoping for the best and it takes them years for their “American dream come true” while others plan things as don’t want an unnecessary risk when there are programs that can secure happy life in a new country. In our today’s article, we will talk about one of the programs that have been gaining popularity and it is called the Provincial Nominee Program or the PNP.


The PNP immigration program was first introduced in 1998 to help the provinces and territories find and invite immigrants with the required skills to fill in specific labor needs. The Provincial Nominee Program or the PNP allows all Canada’s provinces and territories to nominate skilled worker candidates with specific skills needed for that particular area to apply for Canadian Permanent Residency. Being the second most popular program for Migrating to Canada it is expected to allow 250,000 people to receive Canadian Permanent Residency through PNP between 2021 and 2023. With every province and territory set up its criteria for the PNP, the applicant can fall under the nominee that requires French-language proficiency, has a particular occupation or skill, or, for example, holds a degree required by the area.


Even though PNP’s processing time, compared to other programs, maybe longer however the benefits are amazing.

  • First of all, the PNP opens the doors to the opportunity to apply for Canadian Citizenship especially if you don’t have enough points to apply through Express Entry Program or don’t meet the eligibility criteria, as the most important for the PNP is to have the required skills and knowledge.
  • Unlike Express Entry Program, the PNP is based on the required skills and criteria, rather than based on points, so there is a higher chance to receive CPR.
  • Those who move to Canada via PNP programs will have the same benefits and privileges as the ones moved by the Federal Skilled Worker Program.
  • Some PNPs require limited English proficiency as they either are more interested in French or just require level 4 proficiency.
  • PNP unlike other programs gives numerous job opportunities, as the nomination is provided when there is the requirement of a specific profile.
  • No need for job offers as some PNPs are required to apply for a PR visa as skilled workers.
  • Getting a Canadian Permanent Residency gives opportunities to study, work or do business in the same province you got your PNP from.
  • Besides, there are 2 options to apply for the PNP:
    1. The Non-Express Entry method allows applying to the province or territory directly just by sending the NOI (Notice of Interest) and if selected, you will be sent an ITA. The whole process might take up to 19 months.
    2. The Express Entry method, on the other hand, requires you to create an Express Entry Profile and select the interested province or territory for the application. After that, you will be either shortlisted and contacted by the province or you will have to apply for the nomination directly.

It is worth mentioning that not every province or territory offers PNPs, however, if you are interested to move to Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan, and Yukon, PNP is your choice. You can always check online about the current programs, or you can contact Vazir Group for professional assistance. Our talented specialists will not only answer all your questions, but will also guide you through the process, suggest the best program, and will be with you during the whole time.


PNP has multiple sub-programs and streams you can apply to and unlike other programs, it is a 2-part process where the federal government decides whether you are eligible to receive Canadian Permanent Residency or not. The application process is very easy and just requires 4 easy steps:

  1. Check your eligibility for the selected stream.
  2. Complete a PNP application and submit it to the province or territory.
  3. Receive an official Provincial Nomination certificate.
  4. Submit your permanent residence application to the federal government.

There are more than 70 PNP streams that operate on 3 main bases: 

  1. The first-come, first-served option is opened until the required quota of nominees is met. Here it is important to constantly monitor the openings as once the seats are filled, the stream closes. Here Saskatchewan’s International Skilled Worker—Express Entry subcategory and Category B of Nova Scotia’s Demand: Express Entry Stream are 2 main examples of such a direction.
  2. Expression of Interest like we mentioned above works on the point systems, however, it is different from the Express Entry Program. Express Entry-linked PNPs don’t require a job offer and are most popular in Manitoba, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island.
  3. Passive streams are dedicated to the applicants who are mostly Express Entry candidates and cannot actively apply or declare their interest in being considered for a nomination through other streams. Here they are contacted directly by the province with an invitation to apply.

This might sound complicated and stressful, but don’t panic, as we are here to help you. With more than 15 years of experience in the immigration process, we know all the ins and outs of every process. Our experts constantly check and monitor new trends and changes in the application rules to take the stress from you and make the process easy and smooth.


If for you PNP is the pathway to Canada, before applying you should remember some things:

  • As you applied to PNP in a particular province, you are allowed to work only in this province.
  • As the main applicant, you can bring dependents including a spouse, conjugal partner, or common-law partner, however, the rules about children vary from province to province and should be checked in advance.
  • Both applications, for you and your spouse, should be submitted at the same time.
  • The PNP is not the program that takes care of your needs. It’s the pathway to migrating to Canada, so you will have to provide proof that you have enough finances to support yourself and your dependent family members during the migration process.

Of course, you should also check such things as living expenses, the area, working possibilities for your spouse or partner, to make sure the new place is suitable for everyone.


The country of Maple Syrup, hockey, mountains, and breathtaking scenery has a lot to offer to its citizens. Move to this beautiful country and you can rest assured you will be given the best healthcare services, premium education, and will enjoy world-class living standards. If you are coming from a country where after the down it’s better not to go outside, it will be a great relief to know that Canada is one of the safest countries in the world with a very low crime rate. Have you always dreamt of traveling around the world without visa hustle? Canada has the 9th most powerful passport in the world and getting Canadian Permanent Citizenship allows you to travel to 183 countries visa-free. Besides, as Canada opens its doors to every nationality, this multicultural country is ideal for everyone.

So, if you speak the required language, received the right education, have enough experience in a particular field, or skills-set, you are eligible for the Provincial Nominee Program. What are you waiting for? Don’t postpone your happiness and make your dreams come true. Contact us today and we will help you to find the ideal PNP that will change your life.

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